Gundlach's WoW Stuff
These are the weakauras I use or recommend. A lot of these I made myself, any made by others are credited where necessary. Some of these use sounds from the addon Sound Pack. Also for the HUDs, I use the addon Masque with the skin Caith, and the icons on the huds are spaced based on that skin.
Also only the links are recent. Any links that are on pastebin are probably from last expansion and probably don't work anymore.
Alerts you when you have a pending calendar raid invite. And by "alerts" I mean it blows an air horn at you. Accept the damn raid invite.
Because I'm apparently blind and keep losing my cursor.
Shows if you are missing a Defiled Augment Rune, Well Fed buff, or any Legion flask. Only activates in Mythic difficulty. You can change this in the Load tab.
Flashes your screen red and makes you emote if you are below 10% hp. If you have the addon "Sound Pack" installed, it will also play the TF2 "Medic!" sound bite. On the Display tab you will need to enter your monitors screen resolution into the Width and Height text boxes.
Alerts you when you still have a teleport cloak equipped.
Tells you when it is safe to use the Ring of Collapsing Futures without incurring a 5 minute cooldown.
Old and outdated weakauras that I no longer use or maintain, here for reference only:
General warnings for abilities, including known Mythic mechanics. Includes two weakauras made by Reloe on for counting Unsoaked Guldan well souls, and for counting nearby bonds of fel soakers. Also includes two-click release by Mikio and Permok.
Shows Draught of Souls availability, buff and cooldown duration, and an audio notification when it is back up.
This is my experimental hud for Fury in patch 7.1.5. I may wind up altering it a bit, and it includes some placeholder sound effects. It is loosely based on the beta HUD by InsidiousDK on mmo-champion. *Note: Removed until 7.2.5 version is optimized.
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This is my experimental hud for Arms in patch 7.0. I may wind up altering it a bit.
No preview yet. It looks similar to the 7.0 Fury HUD above. It is currently incomplete. *Note: Removed until 7.2.5 version is optimized.
This is my experimental hud for Prot in patch 7.0. It includes some estimates for Ignore Pain shield and how much the next one should shield for.
No preview yet. It looks similar to the 7.0 Fury HUD above. It is currently incomplete as it doesn't include any artifact abilities. *Note: Removed until 7.2.5 version is optimized.
Probably not going to continue work on this. Based on a texture I modified from the addon SquidFrame. Center sphere is rage, outer ring is enrage timer. Procs are on upper left, major cooldowns bottom right.
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Blood effect fades in when entering combat, and fades away when out of combat.
Lights up with the plague leech icon if you have Frost Fever+Blood Plague or Necrotic Plague on the target and have depleted at least two runes.
Fury HUD. Will not work right in 7.0 because of all the ability changes. Based on Mack's Fury Weakauras from mmo-champion.
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The white numbers in the bottom left are not part of the weakaura, that is just the addon RangeFinder showing the target distance.
Arms HUD. Not updated for 7.0. Based on Mack's Arms Weakauras from mmo-champion.
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On the right is the weakaura for the Rend Ticks, link to that is below. The white numbers in the bottom left are not part of the weakaura, that is just the addon RangeFinder showing the target distance.
For monitoring Rend ticks to predict procs.
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Pulses when ring is available. Shows ring buff duration when used, also shows the name of who used it. Plays audible cue on ring use, as well as a cue just before the explosion.
Converts your mark color into text and actual color as an audible icon warning. Also displays an Exorsus arrow pointing towards your marker. Requires raid markers at the following coords in Fel Lords room: star 45.5, 20, circle 47.1, 20, diamond 49.8, 20, triangle 52.8, 20, moon 55.5, 20 --EDIT Broken by patch 7.0
Turn on Autoloot and open your Trader Hut vendors window and press this macro to automatically buy and open 1k garrison resources worth of gold sacks. Sometimes theres latency issues and not all of the sacks will be opened. Either open those manually or if you wind up with a lot of them, close the vendor window and press the macro again and it will open the sacks. --EDIT Broken by patch 7.0
#showtooltip Smuggled Sack of Gold
/script local q=20 for i=1,q do C_Timer.After(i+0.25,function() BuyMerchantItem(27,1); C_Timer.After(i+1,function() UseItemByName("Smuggled Sack of Gold") end)end)end